Home Bound and Still Happy – Here’s How A billion people are now ordered to be home bound. It is likely Julie and I will be stuck at home with 5 kids for a month. Just a few days in, we are not faring well: More than usual, I have verbally lashed out at my…
8 Rules to Deal With COVID-19 1. We can’t stop it. It is very likely that in the coming year or two, you or at least half of the people in your home will get the virus. The drastic measures to reduce the spread of the virus are good attempts to delay the full wave….
The Nitty Gritty Sex-Talk You Need To Have With Your Preteen Fact: our children are exposed to online porn on average by the time they’re 9. That’s why they likely know lots about sex long before puberty, tragically from very shadowed, sex-distorting sources, usually online porn. As parents we can do a lot to help…
Talking About Puberty And Masturbation Just In Time A few months ago, Julie and I agreed to speak to a Grade 7-9 youth group about “relationships.” The day before the event, we asked the youth leader for greater clarity, “What exactly must we speak about?” “We need you to speak about the M-word,” she answered….
How To Talk About Sex To Your Preteen, Pt 1 A few dads have recently asked my advice about what to say to their 11 year old son about sex. That’s great parenting. These dudes are trying to get their ducks in a row before they dive in and say some potentially unhelpful stuff. I’ve…
What Women Want Valentine’s Day upon us, if you’re a guy, don’t tell your partner you read this – just blow them away by improving your game. I am guessing you already know that it’s a case of happy wife, happy life! If you’re a woman, why not boldly send this link to your man?…
What Men Want Valentines Day, just around the corner, is not just a chance for a romantic dinner, it’s a reminder to married couples to celebrate and deepen their sacred bond. That’s why Julie and I have dusted off two of our favourite marriage books by the authors Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn. Today (“What men…
Click here to download the video of and all media related to Allan’s memorial. Click here for Terran’s tribute post about Allan.
The Martyr Myth (By my wife, Julie) Here’s a guest blog by my wife. As we dive into another year of the hard yards of whole-hearted parenting, she reminds moms especially to look after themselves… Martyr, Mother. Mother, Martyr. Pot-tay-toes, Pot-ah-toes right? I don’t know about you, but I always thought these two came…
First Time Moms: What I Wish I Knew (By My Wife, Julie) As we approach our 16th anniversary, I marvel once again at the remarkable woman I married (and co-parent with). Here she writes for first time moms… If you’re about to become a mother for the first time, you’re in for one of the…